Pet Owner's Guide: How to Live with Pet Allergies
Pet Owner's Guide: How to Live with Pet Allergies

Over 56 percent of households today include pets, and despite our love for furry friends, watery eyes, rashes, and sneezing fits are bound to throw a wrench into an owner-pet relationship. If you have any of these symptoms around pets, then you may suffer from pet allergies.
What Causes Pet Allergies
Pet allergies originate from proteins contained in an animal’s dander, or dead skin cells, which flakes off regularly. Allergen-causing proteins can also be found in the saliva that sticks to your pet’s fur when it cleans itself. When pet hair or feathers fall off, its allergens latch to dust and furniture and can linger in the air for up to six months!
Managing Pet Dander and Allergies
For those who suffer from pet allergies, it’s best if pets aren’t in their home. But if you or your partner can’t bear to separate from your furry pet(s), then here are steps to reduce the amount of dander you breathe in.
a. Vacuum and clean regularly
Prevent pet dander from lingering by frequently cleaning furniture, carpets and clothing. Switch to hardwood floors if you can as they are easier to clean and less likely to trap pet dander. Otherwise, consider purchasing a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) vacuum cleaner, which will capture the allergy-triggering air particles instead of releasing them back into the air.
b. Groom your pets often
Regular cleaning should also apply to your pets. Bathe your pets regularly to minimize the protein-impacted dander. Control shedding by brushing daily with clean bristle brushes and combs. Just remember to brush them outside so none of the fur or dander lingers in your house.
c. Get allergy shots
You can "train" your immune system not to be sensitive to an allergen. Keep in mind allergen immunotherapy is not a one-time injection, but rather a series of ongoing shots that expose you to very small doses of the allergen. See a doctor for a full consultation on the risks and commitment required!
d. Purify the air
Use air filters to help reduce the volume of airborne allergens. Take note: some air purifiers are better for pet owners than others. Pet owners need a purifier that effectively captures particles as small as pet dander (2 - 10μm). Look for something with MERV 11 or above. TruAQ distributes air purifiers with DFS Technology which outperforms MERV 11, and has been proven to capture pet dander as well as ultrafine particles as small as bacteria and viruses. For a comparison, on how DFS compares at capturing pet dander compared to other air purification technologies, click here.
Key Points for Future Pet Owners
If you have allergies, and still want a pet. Great! Owning a pet is challenging for people with allergies, but with a few cleaning habits, it’s not impossible.
Some pet owners even choose to own exclusively hypoallergenic pets—these are pets that shed less frequently or have proteins that closely resemble humans. However, keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a true “hypoallergic pet”.
There are many great benefits to owning a pet. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship and promote a more active lifestyle. But before committing to a pet, it’s best to spend time with your chosen breed of animal before permanently bringing them into your home. This will limit the chances of an unexpected allergic reaction and rehoming the pet in the future.